Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's raining, it's pouring, now it's 72 degrees

I've noticed over the past few years most of what I talk and Facebook about revolves around the weather and my pets. And this week is no different. Earlier this week it snowed at my office. Two days later I wore a dress because it was 74 out. Today is no different. Bright blue skies, warm air and the sun is shining bright. I love when it's like this. It's hard to feel anything but joy because it's gorgeous out and warm enough to take walks. Yesterday the puppy and I swam in the river. Well, HE swam. I watched from the shore. Warm or not outside that water was freezing. Today we're going out for a long walk and brunch. He's going through puppy adolescence so the more I take him out for walks and runs the better he seems to behave. It's like living with a 13 year old 24/7. I knew when I got a dog that I'd be outside far more than I'd be inside and that's exactly what I wanted. I like it outside, I do, but it's tough to be out there alone when you're not walking a dog, jogging (yeah right...) or taking photos. Especially in the evening. I guess what I'm rambling about is that I'm excited to be going outdoors, taking in the warm air, appreciating the beauty and seeing some new faces with my half-naughty half-awesome dog in tow. 

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