Thursday, April 5, 2012

I Left my Heart in Sacramento

Lots of exciting things are happening this month! Engagement photos on the warmest day of the month and hopefully photos at Shady Lady's exclusive 3 year anniversary party this week followed by one more week of work and FINALLY vacation! My amazing friend, Natalie, is planning her visit from Ohio! We're going to do all the touristy San Francisco things along with the not-so-touristy things like going to the Marin Headlands and finding secret views of the city. I've never been a full on tourist in San Francisco so I'm actually pretty excited to go and tour places and see some attractions I haven't visited before. We even booked an eco/pet friendly hotel in the event my puppy comes out with us. After she leaves I've got a CD release party at Marilyn's Downtown to photograph and I'm rounding out my month by entering my puppy in a fun run with a friend! April is shaping up to be an amazing month already. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Eye See You

Not to be completely biased but isn't my niece adorable? Her mom and I went down to the park for some cute Easter photos and she was an absolute doll! Working with kids is so much fun and far more fun when the kid is your own cutie niece. The best part was being able to spend some quality time with my sister and niece on a beautiful day. We unfortunately don't all see each other often enough. This was an excellent opportunity to catch up and catch some adorable moments. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fetch in the City

Gotta love spring. We've been playing lots and lots of fetch lately. Mostly in an empty parking lot downtown. I find when I take the puppy to the park across the street he gets way too into sniffing and not so into fetching. Luckily the parking lot is empty after 6 and on weekends so he's got lots of room to fetch his ball and get out some of that pent up puppy energy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's raining, it's pouring, now it's 72 degrees

I've noticed over the past few years most of what I talk and Facebook about revolves around the weather and my pets. And this week is no different. Earlier this week it snowed at my office. Two days later I wore a dress because it was 74 out. Today is no different. Bright blue skies, warm air and the sun is shining bright. I love when it's like this. It's hard to feel anything but joy because it's gorgeous out and warm enough to take walks. Yesterday the puppy and I swam in the river. Well, HE swam. I watched from the shore. Warm or not outside that water was freezing. Today we're going out for a long walk and brunch. He's going through puppy adolescence so the more I take him out for walks and runs the better he seems to behave. It's like living with a 13 year old 24/7. I knew when I got a dog that I'd be outside far more than I'd be inside and that's exactly what I wanted. I like it outside, I do, but it's tough to be out there alone when you're not walking a dog, jogging (yeah right...) or taking photos. Especially in the evening. I guess what I'm rambling about is that I'm excited to be going outdoors, taking in the warm air, appreciating the beauty and seeing some new faces with my half-naughty half-awesome dog in tow. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

10% Chance of Rain

The weather channel should have added an extra 0 at the end... It 100% rained today. All day.

Samples, samples, samples

I spent my evening last night nerding out on all the lovely samples I'm ordering this month. Samples of papers, photos, packaging, etc. My mind has been swimming with thoughts of color options, paper stocks, photo boxes ever since. I'm excited to put some things together and maybe update my site a bit more! Ta ta for now!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Sunday Kind of Love

I feel rainy Sundays are the perfect day to lounge, catch up on some cleaning and do some laundry. Mr. Garbagio expressed his agreement in my Sunday plan by lounging IN the laundry for most the day.